Ground Water Links

National Ground Water Association

The mission of NGWA is enhancing the skills and credibility of all ground water professionals, development and exchange of industry knowledge, promoting the ground water industry, and understanding of ground water resources.

American Ground Water Trust Organization

The American Ground Water Trust is a not-for-profit education organization promoting public awareness of the environmental and economic importance of ground water. This site provides info on topics related to wells, ground water and water systems, i.e. Acid Rain, Chemicals in drinking water, well abandonment, etc.

EPA Ground Water

The Website for the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water contains information such as Drinking Water and Health Basics, Frequently Asked Questions, Local Drinking Water Information, Drinking Water Standards, etc.

National Well Owner's Association

Well owner’s resource for owning and maintaining water wells. Here, you will find the answers to many common questions concerning your well.

Vendor Links

Carr Well & Pump Services uses only the highest quality products available that are supplied to us from the following companies for the construction and installation of your well and pump system.

Franklin Electric

Stainless Steel Water Pumps


Water Treatment Solutions

For all types of water treatment solutions

Find Us At:

Mailing Address: PO Box 378
Littleton, NH 03561

Physical Address: 844 Union St
Littleton, NH 03561

Phone: 603 444-6424

Toll Free: 800-543-3970

Payment Methods


Licensed Well Driller & Installer in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. We're able to offer extended warranties as a Franklin Electric Key Dealer.


National Ground Water Association, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, New Hampshire Water Well Association, Vermont Groundwater Association, Maine Groundwater Association